Thanks for coming and see you next year!

October 14-19 2018 San Diego Marriott of Mission Valley in San Diego, California

A beach scene featuring a crab and umbrella.

Join us for a source of inspiration, education and networking opportunities. Our team is making sure that participating in DjangoCon US is easy for you!



One day, numerous tutorials



Dozens of talks chosen by the community



Team up to work on Django!

A conference with heart

Two hands interlocked

State of Django

We're presenting a panel on the State of Django: the codebase and the community. Join us on Wednesday afternoon to hear from Django contributors, the Django Software Foundation, Django Girls, and DEFNA.

A megaphone producing a loud sound

Tutorials & Talks

Our program is live! There's something for everyone, from APIs to Zappa and everything in between. Take a peek at our keynotes and start planning which talks you'll attend!

A heart

Code of Conduct

Participants are expected to be respectful to each other. For details on our expectations, and who to contact if you need assistance, see our code of conduct.

Latest News